Tuš drogerija Novo mesto

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!

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Vata in palčke


Vatne blazinice Bellawa, Argan oil, 40/1

  • 5 left

Vatne Blazinice Bellawa Maxi 50 blazinic

  • 5 left

Vata Cotoneve blazinice, aloe&vitamini, 60/1


Vatice Cotoneve, Aqua, 80+20

  • 5 left

Sanitetna vata Cikcak, Tosama (100 g)

  • 1 left

Blazinice Hi Hybrid, za odstranjevanje laka, celulozne bombažne 5x5 cm, 100/1


Blazinice Jasmin, Nature Premium, 50/1


Vatne blazinice Nature Soft, Jasmine (80 kosov)

  • 3 left

Vatne blazinice, Nivea (80 kosov)

  • 7 left

Blazinice proti potenju Till flai 10/1


Palčke Cotoneve, papirnate v škatlici 200/1


Palčke Cotoneve Bio vatirane, aloe vera, 80/1


Palčke Jasmin nature biorazgradljive vatirane, 100/1

  • 4 left

Palčke vatirane Johnson's, Baby cotton buds, 100/1


Palčke Tuš You razgradljive, 200/1


Vatirane biorazgradljive palčke, Tosama (200 kosov)

  • 6 left

Palčke biorazgradljive, To.To. (60 kosov)

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Topliška cesta 2

8000 Novo mesto

See map

Delivery times
